Who we are at Burgundy Friends

When did Burgundy Friends start and why?

Burgundy Friends was formed in 2004 with the simple remit of providing English speakers in the region with a platform to get together socially and to assist people to integrate into the French way of life.

Whether you are resident or a second home owner we are here to help you make new friends and connections.

Our need to chat

Although your wish is to experience what Burgundy has to offer, the need for speaking English and chatter in your native tongue is also a very important need to prevent that possible sense of isolation, especially when new to an area.

No, you do not have to be English. We are “English Speakers”, rather than English people. We even have members from the United States and Australia.

In brief, we are a friendly bunch of people, from all walks of life, who just enjoy getting together and having a good time.

Everyone is welcome

Several of our members are working, with their base being in France, but many are retired. Burgundy Friends contributes to social communication and sense of well-being, no matter where one is in life’s pathway.

We also welcome any local people who might be learning English and wish to improve it in a relaxed environment.

How is the group run?

The group is run by a steering group, composed of both residents and non-residents, who give their time voluntarily. Their task is to put coordinate events, which take place throughout the year. Many are held in members’ homes, while others are at various restaurants and places of interest in the area. A Facebook Group is maintained with monthly reminders of events and members are kept in touch by a regular newsletter.

Where are we?

The Region of Burgundy covers a vast area of 12,000 sq miles, from Sens to Macon and Nevers to Dijon. The traditional area for Burgundy Friends is in Central Burgundy, with Autun, Avallon, Luzy, the Morvan Regional Parc and Beaune being the natural limits for our events. However, members are always welcome from anywhere in the Region.

Check out our area in section ‘Where we are‘ with photos taken by members.

How do I contact you?

But don’t take our word for it, come along and see for yourself. Click here to access an enquiry form.  We will be very pleased to hear from you.